전체 글(479)
[Canada]한학기가 끝났다;;;
우리 학원에서는 4주를 한학기로 판단한다. 하지만 필자의 경우는 수업중간에 들어갔기 때문에 2주만에 수업을 페스하게 되었다... 뭐 적응하다가 끝나버린 수업이랄까;;; 뭐 어쨋든 아무 탈없이 다음레벨로 넘어갈 수 있었으니 ㅎㅎㅎ 일반적으로 한학기를 모두 수료하지 않으면 다음레벨로 넘겨주지 않는데 필자의 경우는 운이 좋았는지 아니면 정말 잘한건지;;;; 인터미디어 최종단계인 레벨4로 넘어간다. 다들 정들기도 전에 이제 헤어지게 되는 오전 클래스 반 친구들;;; 땡큐 그램 ㅎㅎ 오전 클래스의 피드백이다 ㅡ.ㅡ; 정말 날 뭐 그리 잘봤는지 거의 최고 점수를 받았다. 마지막 작문 숙제가 많은 영향을 끼친것 같다;; 참고로 정말 영어 문법이라면 치를 떠는 필자지만 우리나라 사람들은 정말 문법에 강한것 같다 ㅡ.ㅡ..
2009.03.01 -
These days I thought too many things what is unuseful. When like this. I had to do something that my bady become tired. So I decided to go to some island near the school. But a lot of rains fell down. Today weather is too gloomy like my mind. But I just followed my plan even if a lot of rains fell down.
2009.02.28 -
lost everything
I just thought it was just one. But it made me to lost everything. Timing is very important even if it already passed. At that time why I couldn't see my chance. If I had known it was chance, I would have cought and never missed it. If I had known it was last, I wouldn't have finished like that. Just only a lot of regrets are piled up.
2009.02.26 -
How are families changing in your society?
How are families changing in your society? Mandoo In Korea, many families have been becoming smaller. Long time ago, almost families had six children. But, nowadays It is hard to find a family that they have children more than 3. Almost parents don't want to have a lot of children, because if they have baby then they have to spend a lot of time and money. These days economy crisis have made that..
2009.02.24 -
Not easy...
I didn't do anything wrong. Why are you doing this to me. You don't have any qualification. But, Why do I feel like this. We are already... I haven't learned about that yet. still So I just think 'because this is first time.'. But this is unfair too much. I will must over it but not this time. I thought it is easy but it wasn't. Tomorrow I will buy some wine. It will help me.
2009.02.23 -
캐나다 주식은 쌀이 아니다;;; 지금까지 음식을 먹어본결과 마카로니와 고기가 거의 주식같다;;; 정말 아무거나 잘먹는나지만 ㅠ.ㅠ 한국사람은 밥힘으로 살거늘 ㅠ.ㅠ 오늘은 일요일! 그래서 팔을 걷어붙이고 밥을 했다 ㅎㅎ 다행이도 전기 밥솥이 있어서 밥은 손쉽게 할 수 있었다 ㅎㅎ 하지만 압력이 아니라서;;; 맛은 별로;;; 자취생활 2년차지만 이번 밥은 실패였다 ㅠ.ㅠ 너무 많은 물덕분에;; 그리고 같이먹을 만두라면 ㅎㅎㅎ 보글보글 잘도 끓는구나 ㅎㅎ 나름 진수성찬 남은 밥들은 포장해서 냉동실로~ 냉동시켜두면 오래오래 먹을 수 있기에 한번먹을 양만 만들어서 따로따로 얼려두었다 ㅎㅎ