A gift which is from my younger sister Yuki~!!!

2009. 6. 21. 22:06dairy

I heard from my mother about a package from Japan.
Actually my birthday will be came soon, But I didn't expect anything about that.
Yuki remembered my birthday and sent presentes for me!!!
Ho~ how great sister! she is~!!
Anyway I just want to introduce her presentes.
These are kind of snackes~ made in japan.
First one is snack which is made by shrimpes.
In Korea also we have that kind of snack.
That's name is SE U KANG.
That taste also very similar
Second one is candy shich is made by milk
That candy is so~ sweet like me~kkk
Last one is food which is made by chestnuts.
Honestly I loved that food.
I don't know how she found a food which I like~.
She is really my sister~!! ^^

When I saw this gift, I laughed so much~!
I couldn't understand whole text in that package, but I could understand 'Bloodtype Bath A!!!!!!'
She know my personality is so~~~~~~~ A....;;
B/c of that she gave me this gift. I think...;

She also know that nowadays I have tried to change my hair style.
I will be a attractive guy by this wax~ kkkk

This is a tie~
She wanted me to remember her when I get a job and work.
Actually I am not in style, but I know this tie is so~ suit me.^^

But I like these things most of them.
Letter and Book...
I can feel her true heart through these things. ^^

I want to say 'thank you' to Yuki again.
I never have received this kind of gift from anybody.
I am really pleased about receiving these gifts from my sister.^^

本当にありがとう 優希ちゃん~^^