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자취생활백서 - 오뚜기 3분 낙지덮밥

오늘의 일용할 양식은 오뚜기의 3분 낙지덮밥!
Today's food is Otugi's a bowl of rice and small octopus!

여느 3분요리와 똑같다... 기대하는게 잘못된거지;;; ㅋ
Same as other 3min food... It is wrong to expect something;;;

똑같이 대충~ 전자랜지에 대워서 먹어주기!
As same as others~ Just cook by microwave.

밥이 모자랄거 같아서 밥을 쫌 더 넣었다;;;
I just added more rices, because It was not enough

나름 문어들의 다리들이 보인다. ㅋㅋㅋ
I could see small octopus's legs.

3분 낙지덮밥을 먹으며...
1.도대체 저번에 먹은 닭갈비랑 뭐가다른건지;;;
2.정말 많은걸 기대하면 안되는 3분요리;;;
3.그래도 없는것보단... ㅠ.ㅠ

While eating a bowl of rice and small octopus...
1.I don't know difference among other 3min cook.
2.Never expect 3min cook.
3,But better than nothing~ T.T